Product Description
Miracle Museum™ is a new-to-the-playground-industry children’s museum experience that gives kids the chance to engage in fantastical sensory events. Children touch, listen, see, and play their way through this mesmerizing collection of products.
Add products from the Miracle Museum collection to your existing playground, or include them in a new design, to create a space that kids will want to spend their time exploring. Because most Miracle Museum products do not require safety surfacing, they can convert under-utilized spaces into sensory rich play areas—think parking lots, old basketball courts, and more! And with modern, clean lines, Miracle Museum fits indoors, too, in unique settings such as lobbies, hospitals, waiting areas, and shopping centers.
All of the products in the Miracle Museum collection were designed to create a play experience that surprises kids and draws them in for hours of play. The collection was designed with universal play principles, meaning it’s appropriate for all ages and abilities—even caregivers can join in the fun!
Miracle Museum’s Odyssey Hall is a sensory environment packed with fun, tactile features. Hanging flex treads provide deep touch, while vertical roto panels provide texture and color variety. The twisting treads enable multiple play paths, giving children a proprioceptive experience. A wheelchair path ensures everyone is given the chance to explore. Include multiple Odyssey Halls to create even denser sensory environments!
Odyssey Hall encourages social play, including solitary, parallel, associative, and cooperative; sensory play, including proprioceptive; and other types of play, such as functional play, game play with rules, and symbolic play.
Sensory Play
Sensory play is crucial to every child’s development and growth. This product provides the following sensory play experiences:
Proprioception is very important as it lets us know exactly where our body parts are, how we are positioned in space and how to plan our movements
The tactile system is our ability to interpret the world through our touch
Prices are approximate. For playground component prices, please contact your local representative. Prices do not include surfacing, installation, shipping, or appropriate sales tax. Prices shown in US Dollar and may change without notice.